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Report Data Entry

Simplify on-site data entry with a system that keeps your narratives organized and easy to re-use.
​Part 1
Entering Inspection Findings
Part 1 - Entering Data

Open a report that has been created and navigate to a system, such as Roofing.​

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Expand an Inspection Subject, such as Roof Coverings / Materials.

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The DescriptionConditionReplacement TimelineRiskLocation, and Additional Notes have the following features as part of the Eneris Smart Fields system:

  • Pre-written Narratives:  Every Eneris account includes pre-loaded narratives for inspection items that are commonly encountered in the field, such as: plumbing materials, manufacturers of HVAC and Electrical equipment, risks likely to occur as a result of inspection findings, etc.

  • Automatic Searching:  Simply start typing keywords and Eneris will search for the most relevant narratives and suggest them automatically.

  • Automatic Learning:  Need to type text into a field to add inspection findings? The entry will automatically be saved for next time and is connected to the template being used.

  • Speech to Text:  Tap the Microphone icon on the keyboard of your device when using the iOS or Android App and speak to automatically type your notes into Eneris.

Part 2 - Cutomizing Narratives
​Part 2
Customizing Narratives

The pre-loaded text entries in any field can be customized. Scroll to the bottom of a report system, such as Roofing, and click Edit/Remove.

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Scrolling back up and expanding an Inspection Subject, such as Roof Coverings / Materials now displays an Edit List icon next to each smart field.

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Clicking the Edit List icon next to Additional Notes opens a pop-up window with the ability to View, Add, Edit, Remove, and Reorder narratives as needed.

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Click and drag the  ⬍ arrow icon upwards to move the item up the list. Release the mouse button to drop the item into its new location on the list.

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Part 3 - Customizing Recommended Actions
​Part 3
Customizing Recommended Actions

Recommended Actions buttons are important tools in conveying inspection findings to your clients.

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Each Recommended Action button can optionally prompt for a Timeline.

See the following examples of how the  

Repair or Replace  button and Replacement Timeline looks in both the  PDF  and  Web  sample reports:

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To customize Recommended Actions, navigate to Settings -> Report Setup, then scroll down to Recommended Action Settings. Changes made will be reflected on any new reports created after the change is made.

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